giovedì 14 ottobre 2010

Cluc. Storia di una gocciolina.

Per chi fosse di passaggio in quei luoghi e in quella data.. la Foresta di Sherwood vi invita allo spettacolo in italiano per la scuola dell'infanzia sul tema del ciclo dell'acqua.
Già rappresentato con gioia e soddisfazione presso il Comune di Valbondione (BG) e la scuola dell'infanzia Sant'Anna di Binzago (MI).

martedì 5 ottobre 2010

Painting sessions

It's been a busy weekend for the Sherwood Team!

Our Hallowe'en show is about to go on stage, so we have been working a lot on scenery these past few days.

It all began with a 3x2 white cloth...Our scene-designer Stefano was the first to put hands on such clean surface...

 In the meanwhile, Niki the tailor was taking measurements for costumes.

Mind the cake in the oven!!!

how can she look so professional even on Saturday morning?!

... guess what is going to come out?!

Unskilled-for-painting Lavinia has self employed in humble tasks so as not to destroy Niki and Stefano's hard work...

Stefano the details-man.

sketching by the firewood.

we didn't hire the cat for Hallowe'en..: we are proud to introduce Judith, the all-seasons Sherwood's tigress!